Monday, February 8, 2010

my heart...

i need no words... this song says it all... Lord lead me on and I will run after you.


  1. I've had this on 'repeat' since (manually, YouTube doesn't have repeat) you shared.

    There are no words (but I'm finding them!)

    God led you to share this with me tonight... you had no way of knowing, other than through Him, but this song is an answer to prayer. I've been praying for weeks, maybe months for God to lead me to unlock the words, feelings, emotions that have been brewing on a particular topic, waiting for the right moment to flow onto paper... I shared these thoughts with two people this week, and within 24 hours, you shared this song, and this song is unlocking it all... it's all coming together...

    Thank you, for being in tune to the Holy Spirit... you are a treasured friend.

  2. I love how this song always seems to pop into my head at just the right moment. I believe it is possibly one of the most perfect worship songs.
