Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Not so Wordless Wednesday!

Wow, it's been a CRAZY week!!! VBS started Sunday night- so alll day Saturday we spent at the church setting up, and also all day sunday after church! VBS has been a BLAST!! I hope to get a few of my fave pics up here soon but I haven't had time to do it yet.

My aunt Jenny's funeral was Monday- it was a beautiful service full of family and friends. My heart is breaking for the family- while I'll miss her I realize that she is in no more pain, but oh how I wish I could take the pain away from her poor grandbabies and her kids and her siblings that all loved her so much and miss her terribly. I always hate to watch kids cry over lost loved ones and this time was no exception. Those poor munchkins I just wanted so badly to take their pain from them so they wouldn't have to feel that :(

Thank you to a few special blessings this week, you know who you are, who have helped make me being able to show up at my aunt's funeral possible.

So tonight is the last night of VBS and things are going so well, everyone is having a blast and learning a lot!

The first night- it started raining a bit as VBS began...I looked out the doorway and all I could see was sunlight though, so I turned to Paul who happened to be standing there with me and was like, um... I'll be back I'm going outside for a few... He asked me, 'You're going to walk in the rain?'... Yes sir I was! So off in the rain I went for a few minutes at the beginning of VBS and this is what I came back with...


and with that, all I can do is sing....

All Your promises won't let go of me!!!!!


  1. Still loving that picture!!! I love Rainbows!!!! Always a wonderful reminder :)
