Thursday, July 30, 2009

and timeeeeeeee goes by... .so slowly....

Ok so maybe this post is just exactly the opposite of it's title...

Has anyone seen this sweet little angel?


I can't find her anywhere??? Instead I keep finding this big girl :


I cannot believe that in a few short weeks my baby will be starting Pre-K... where did all the time go?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Not so Wordless Wednesday!

Wow, it's been a CRAZY week!!! VBS started Sunday night- so alll day Saturday we spent at the church setting up, and also all day sunday after church! VBS has been a BLAST!! I hope to get a few of my fave pics up here soon but I haven't had time to do it yet.

My aunt Jenny's funeral was Monday- it was a beautiful service full of family and friends. My heart is breaking for the family- while I'll miss her I realize that she is in no more pain, but oh how I wish I could take the pain away from her poor grandbabies and her kids and her siblings that all loved her so much and miss her terribly. I always hate to watch kids cry over lost loved ones and this time was no exception. Those poor munchkins I just wanted so badly to take their pain from them so they wouldn't have to feel that :(

Thank you to a few special blessings this week, you know who you are, who have helped make me being able to show up at my aunt's funeral possible.

So tonight is the last night of VBS and things are going so well, everyone is having a blast and learning a lot!

The first night- it started raining a bit as VBS began...I looked out the doorway and all I could see was sunlight though, so I turned to Paul who happened to be standing there with me and was like, um... I'll be back I'm going outside for a few... He asked me, 'You're going to walk in the rain?'... Yes sir I was! So off in the rain I went for a few minutes at the beginning of VBS and this is what I came back with...


and with that, all I can do is sing....

All Your promises won't let go of me!!!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Updates, Updates, and MORE updates!!!

First of all, Please keep my family in your prayers. My aunt Jenny is at home on hospice and they are not sure how much longer she will live. This is a very difficult time for our family as you can imagine. Just keep everyone lifted up in prayer please!

On to other things... Elijah had his 15 month appt this week!
He is 25 lbs now! My chunky monkey! He says a LOT of words randomly. He can say Yuck, ball, kyky, "issy" (sissy), choo choo, duck, quack quack, please, thank you, yes, no, mama, daddy, pap, pawpaw, and a few others I can't remember right now. He climbs on everything and is such a happy kid. He loves to make you laugh :) I can't believe he's almost 16 months old!

VBS starts next week, and we are so excited about that- we look forward to this week every summer because it is tons of fun!!! I'm sure I'll be updating with LOTS of pics after VBS! :) I know you are all just dying to see the silly stuff we do!

Anddddddd, Yesterday, we signed Kyley up for PRESCHOOL! :) I cannot believe my baby is going to school *tear* Where did all the time go? She is soooo excited and is already talking about picking out a backpack (but she already has one go figure) and she wants a lunch box even though she won't be eating lunch AT school haha silly girl :) She's over the moon excited though!

Anyways, that seems to be all for now! Hoping to get a few new posts up in the next few days I've been working on!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Busy is not even a word I can use to describe what the past few weeks have been like. So a quick overview- I've been spending a lot of time preparing for a wedding shoot I had this weekend (my first!) and our mini vacation we took while we were there. Last week, daddy got put in the hospital, and Saturday was the wedding, and we stayed at the beach until Monday evening.
That's the shortened version. We are dealing with getting everything unpacked and squared away from some things that happened while we were gone and I promise a few blog posts with pictures VERY soon!!! :)