Well things are NUTS this time of year around here- but I"m going to try to remember to catch up as often as possible- so here's one big catch up post for now LOL
This past week we had Kyley's 4th birthday party! The theme was Hannah Montana and she had a BLAST ! Doe Doe and Daisy came to visit her at her party and all the kids loved them! She got so much stuff I can't even remember it all! Her real birthday is this coming Friday- so we plan to give her one gift from me and daddy and Elijah that day- but other than that we're done with birthday stuff !
This past weekend we also participated in the Millbrook Christmas parade! We all had a blast and hopefully I can post some pics up here soon!
And on to Elijah- last week Elijah turned 8 months old! He's such a big boy now! He says bye bye and waves, and he can clap his hands and he's trying sooooooo hard to crawl! He LOVES the christmas tree and all the lights- it is by far the best thing ever haha I can't wait until Christmas!